Flying green
DOE researchers’ simulations on Oak Ridge’s Frontier exascale computer may bring carbon-neutral aviation closer to reality.
DOE researchers’ simulations on Oak Ridge’s Frontier exascale computer may bring carbon-neutral aviation closer to reality.
An Argonne National Laboratory group looks under the hood to clean up combustion engines and the atmosphere.
Researchers are modernizing old simulation codes for a new era of scientific computing.
Detailed computer models are helping researchers understand and improve complex chemical reactions in ultra-lean premixed flames.
Scientists apply one of the world’s most powerful computers to decipher turbulent flows in flames – a key factor in understanding and improving combustion.
In the past few decades, computation has become so critical that combustion experimentation through simulation has become the only game in town.
Powerful computers are simulating how turbulence enhances – or retards – combustion in clean, efficient engines.